Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Health Law Writing Competition - $4000 Prize

Epstein Becker Green has announced its Twenty-first Annual Epstein Becker Green Health Law Writing CompetitionSubmissions are due Friday, January 25, 2019.

The competition is open to J.D. and L.L.M. candidates who are currently attending a U.S. law school or who attended a U.S. law school during the school year ending in May/June 2018.

Entrants should take advantage of the fact that health law is a very broad and diverse field, encompassing aspects of almost every area of law. Papers may address any traditional area of the law as applied to health care (e.g., antitrust, tax, corporate) or areas of law unique to health care (e.g., fraud and abuse, managed care, Medicare/Medicaid, clinical trials, telehealth).

Entries ranked in the top 20 percent of all competition submissions may be considered for publication in the Annals of Health Law, which is published by the Loyola University Chicago School of Law. First Place: $4,000 Second Place: $2,000 Third Place: $500

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