Monday, June 17, 2013

ECMO - The Next Medical Futility Battleground?

The use of ECMO has been growing.  In contrast to dialysis, CPR, and mechanical ventilation; clinicians can usually more confidently refuse to offer or provide ECMO when they deem it medically inappropriate.  

Yet, one wonder whether expanding use will result in "indication creep."  CPR and dialysis were originally intended for only certain populations.  Yet, they are now regularly offered to 100-year-old patients with numerous serious comorbidities.  Et tu ECMO?


  1. Very interesting post. ECMO is such a double edged sword. On the one hand I love ECMO. I have seen some great saves and watched those babies grow up into happy children. I have seen it give babies a chance even with little hope, and even when they dont survive we feel satisfied that we gave that baby all that we could. And then I have seen some awful cases, in which we put a baby on with no chance only to prolong their suffering, or to produce a child who is alive but has little awareness to their surroundings and probably little to no quality of life.
